About Us
Sisters of Saint Joseph the Worker
Our History
Our Philosophy
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Academic Programs
Preschool 3 & 4 years old
Supply List
Elementary K-4
Supply List
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Junior High 5-8
Supply List
Schedule 5-8
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Classical Homeschooling
Schedule 5-8
Supply List
Child Care
Calendar 2024-2025
Enrollment Information
Tuition 2025-2026
Registration Form
Dress Code
Order Form
Supply List
Behavior Policies
Homework & Study Habits
Lunch Menu
Preschool - 8th
Child Care
Think Wave Grading System
FACTS Tuition Management
Getting Involved
Safe Environment Policies
Breakfast with Santa
Craft Fair
Fish Fry
Pig Fest
Pigfest Craft Show
Pigfest Silent Auction
Vacation Bible School
Community Support
All Saints Parish
Saint Henry District High School
Diocese of Covington
Our Philosophy
"This is the work of God, that you may believe in the One He sent." John 6:29
A Catholic school has one primary reason for existence: to instruct students in the truths of our faith, so that, accepting these truths, they may so live, that God “through Jesus Christ may carry out in them all that which is pleasing to Him.” (Heb. 13:21) Hence, basic to our philosophy as Catholic educators at St. Joseph Academy is instruction in the principles of Christian faith and morals – principles which may serve our students as guidelines in worthy earthly living in attainment of eternal beatitude.
Secondly, Catholic education aims to give students an excellent academic education. St. Joseph Academy accepts this second purpose and endeavors to provide its students with a thorough instruction in the basics of scholarly learning.
Thirdly, since children are social beings living in a social milieu, St. Joseph Academy strives to inculcate in its students principles of regard and courtesy: a respect for their own human dignity and for that of all other people.
Finally, St. Joseph Academy accepts the trust of instilling in its students a sense of true patriotism with its responsibilities of good citizenship.
Composed by: Sister Mary Petronilla, SJW 1976
Strives to educate the whole child spiritually, academically, and socially.
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